Walk by faith and not by sight

Walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corn 5:7) is to trust God in all and every circumstances; we are living in days of great deceptions and the time of trouble to come, chaos in many places; hard and very difficult times, like we have not seen before… Now is the time, to be confident and assured that God “shall make a way”, where there seems to be no way. Resolve and anchor your confidence in God’s word and allow His word through the Holy Spirit speak to you daily, for He will sustain all who trust in Him by the power of His still, small voice, speaking to your inner man daily…Only when you place your entire reliance in God alone, you have the boldness and the courage to walk by faith and not by sight. Stay on this faith journey for He has promised that He will be with you every single step, walking with you, carrying you, supporting you…
Be diligent and don’t allow your faith to be moved or falter through trusting in your own human understanding, strength and experiences…get out of your comfort zone and never take your eyes of the Kingdom of God; continue to look up… it is a choice “one you will never regret” put your hope and expectation in God… to see the impossible become possible!