It is time to arise
In Jonah, we see a story about someone who at first decided to run from His call.
Arise go to that Niveveh that great city and cry out against it…for their wickedness…has come before me…(Jonah: (1: 2) wickedness Hebrew word is also translate “trouble” “difficulty” and “harm”. Jonah’s story has much to say about the heart of God and the mission of God’s people …Jonah is asked to arise and go eight hundred miles east to Nineveh a city… but instead Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish away from the presence of God: after all he had no desire to go that city… God called him a second time: (Jonah 3:1:3) Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach the message that I tell you…
God continued to intervene in Jonah life and through circumstances ordered by Him…Jonah relented and obeyed to His call and mission and his obedience led to great revival in the city… through his message of warning, the people were convicted…and convinced of their sin…it brought forth repentance…and a promise of mercy…How many of us run away from the call, or are not willing to go? God has a call upon our lives, when we refuse God guidance and run from His presence…it brings you into places and situations…out of the will of God and you are doing works: you are not called to do…God concerns, His love and mercy… are always greater and bigger than ours…are you the one that is send to bring a message? If you are available, willing and obedient, He will send you that place…and God will bring forth a revival in the hearts of the people…it is time to arise and obey the call…