Go Deeper

Going deeper with God…it’s a decision….what you will do? How far will you go?
Ezekiel (47:1:12) has a vision of a river flowing from the temple…
At first the Angel shows him the water that only goes up to his ankles…. then the water goes as high as Ezekiel’s knees then to his waist and then so deep that he has to swim in order to stay afloat…. when he makes it back to the shoreline, he looks around, and he sees trees. These trees bear fruit all year around and the leaves have healing properties. The water that flows from the sanctuary gives the trees life….
This vision was not just for Ezekiel but it applies for us today as well… we are the temple of the Holy Spirit…living waters flows through us. (John 7:38) The rivers start as a trickle but grow deeper and wider as we mature in our faith and yield more of ourselves to the Spirit’s control.
Not everyone is willing to go deeper and go farther… walking steadily deeper into the river for the water was to deep water I which I must swim…(Ezekiel (47: 5). We are called to walk increasing deeper in the Holy Spirit, this means releasing ourselves entirely to Him… as we go deeper in God’s presence… walk in the Spirit …surrendered…yielded to the Holy Spirit… you start to produce fruit…(Gal 5:25)
What are you going to do? God is calling you to go deeper…deeper in your personal relationship with Him…deeper in His word…deeper in worship…deeper in your commitment…how can a Christian go deeper into the things of God? The answer is to confess sin, resist sin, be filled with the Spirit, pray and get to know and apply the word of God to your life…Surrender and Yield…